Tuesday, June 16, 2009

I'm Not Afraid of the Black Man Running...

So, today my best friend started freaking out because she couldn't see a black guy that was on the side of the road because he was so black.
Ten points if you can name what song this title is from.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Just Almost

Almost is just that.
Almost made it,
Doesn't get you there.
Almost got it,
Doesn't get it.
Almost should be there,
Right next to torture
Almost is just that.
Almost won't get you into that college.
Almost won't win you that man.
Almost is never quite where you want it.
Almost is just that.
i bid you adieu almost.

On the Worth of Worth

Worth is worth nothing if not in the eye of the holder.
It's what's in front of you that counts.
As long as your not too much of anything.
Because too much is too much.
No matter the beauty.
Worth is worth nothing if not in the eye of the holder.
There is only one way out,
Though tis blocked by gates of fire.
So ever more worth weighs like bricks in your sack.
But we are told to develop our induvidual worth,
For that is what counts in the end.
But the end takes it's sweet time.
Endings like to taunt and tease.
Making the fire's flicker that of a meadow.
Because worth is worth nothing if not in the eye of the holder.