I really need to be better at this whole keeping up with my blog thing. Thus, I am blogging at 1:35 in the morning. Granted, I was watching "Into the Wild" , one of my top 5 movies, and it always gets me thinking.
It's been a weird week. Very long. I had my first stage kiss (well, technically my first kiss ever, but it was in front of my whole class and with a gay man, so it still doesn't really count). It was awkward as all get out, but I'm glad I've finally gotten that over with. I figured, being an actor, it would happen eventually.
I was in a weird mood early in the week, kind of lonely, so I set my sights on saving the world. It happens about once a year, and I decided that it is my duty to try and save the planet. Last time, I went on an environmentalism kick, but this time I'm focusing on the human element. I watched a documentary about the "clean water crisis" and read an article about the food shortage around the world and another one having to do with the Fistula Foundation. So I spent my whole evening on Oxfam America's website signing petitions and looking for volunteer opportunities. I also discovered (well, rediscovered) a great game on www.freerice.com. It just a bunch of quiz sort of things and for every question you get right, they donate ten grains of rice to people in need. I know, being so busy with school and being so short on money, there isn't too much I can do, but the fact that I found this website makes me feel a little bit better about my contributions to society.
It's raining outside! I can't believe it. It's been pretty dry for the last couple of weeks. Today was a perfect cloud covered day. I love it when LA is like this, which isn't often. I could sit here and listen to the rain make it's beautiful music for days. It's moments like this that make me glad to be alive.