Tuesday, November 30, 2010

No Shave November?

So, while I was in the shower tonight, I realized why "No Shave November" is not for women. I will have you know that now my legs and pits are smooth as a babies bottom. Thank you AMDA for stressing me out so much and using up all my time so that I have begun to look French.

So, here's to the greatness that is "No Shave November". Goodbye until next year!

You're welcome.

Monday, November 29, 2010


Shout out to all my ladies who get referred to as "bros". I have high hopes that someday a decent guy will realize that I am not in fact, a man, or "bro" and that I am quite womanly. I also have high hopes that someday a guy will realize that I am actually a woman, and feel the same emotions as other women.


Thank you, and have nice day! :)

Friday, November 26, 2010

Happy (Late) Thanksgiving!

I just wanted to wish everyone a happy (late) Thanksgiving. I have so much to be thankful for! I'm thankful for:
1) My family
2) My friends
3) The opportunity to live in LA and do what I love everyday.
4) The gospel of Jesus Christ in my life
5) The talents I have been blessed with and the opportunity to share them
6) All the luxuries that I have that so many people in this world do not, such as, clean water, food, a roof over my head, clothes on my back, shoes on my feet, and fairly good health.

My Heavenly Father has just blessed me so much and I hope everyone that reads this will be inspired to look at all they are blessed with and give thanks.

I love you all!!!!!!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Catch Me, I'm Falling

Today was crazy. I've been sick for two days now and I was miraculously better for my amazing night tonight. Yes, it wasn't all fun and games as there where some rocky points, one involving a fruitless journey to an invisible Starbucks. But, alas things got better. I got to see "Next to Normal" and was completely blown away. What an amazing show. I can't believe I actually got to see Alice Ripley perform live. Not to mention that I got to see my dear friend Preston play the part of Henry. He was fantastic! After the show he took me and Thomas backstage and I got to see an old director of mine, Dontee Keihn, who is the choreographer on the show. Afterwards he stayed and talked to my friends and I for a while. I'm so proud of him and so proud to know such a talented person. I can't wait to hang out with him sometime soon.
Then on the way home we played an epic 8 stop game of subway surfing. I totally beasted it with a score of 0. I won!!! Then as we were coming out of the subway there was a homeless lady runing around with a pole in between her legs shouting "Someone help me, I have something up my a**!" And then she ran away giggling.
Oh, Hollywood...

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Super Meredith to the Rescue!!!!!!

I really need to be better at this whole keeping up with my blog thing. Thus, I am blogging at 1:35 in the morning. Granted, I was watching "Into the Wild" , one of my top 5 movies, and it always gets me thinking.
It's been a weird week. Very long. I had my first stage kiss (well, technically my first kiss ever, but it was in front of my whole class and with a gay man, so it still doesn't really count). It was awkward as all get out, but I'm glad I've finally gotten that over with. I figured, being an actor, it would happen eventually.
I was in a weird mood early in the week, kind of lonely, so I set my sights on saving the world. It happens about once a year, and I decided that it is my duty to try and save the planet. Last time, I went on an environmentalism kick, but this time I'm focusing on the human element. I watched a documentary about the "clean water crisis" and read an article about the food shortage around the world and another one having to do with the Fistula Foundation. So I spent my whole evening on Oxfam America's website signing petitions and looking for volunteer opportunities. I also discovered (well, rediscovered) a great game on www.freerice.com. It just a bunch of quiz sort of things and for every question you get right, they donate ten grains of rice to people in need. I know, being so busy with school and being so short on money, there isn't too much I can do, but the fact that I found this website makes me feel a little bit better about my contributions to society.
It's raining outside! I can't believe it. It's been pretty dry for the last couple of weeks. Today was a perfect cloud covered day. I love it when LA is like this, which isn't often. I could sit here and listen to the rain make it's beautiful music for days. It's moments like this that make me glad to be alive.