Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Behold, Nutella, the Paste of the Gods!!!

I think I have a microscopic piece of glass in my left index finger. I accidentally broke a candle holder in my bathroom while opening the window. You see, we got a cold front today, and I recently went through a faze where I enjoyed candle light baths on a daily basis. I doubt this cold front will even necessitate a jacket, but at least I won't brake a sweat just walking to my car. I'm getting really sick of getting to work with a big sweat spot on my back. Kids aren't exactly kind when it comes to that sort of stuff. Like today, I took my hair out of a ponytail, thinking it looked pretty good. Then a little girl asked me why my hair was all messed up. So, the pony tail was redone and stayed that way for a while.
I can't sleep. Actually, I don't particularly want to sleep. It use to be my favorite thing in the whole world. But lately, it just seems like a waste of time. That is, until I actually go to sleep, and then I don't want to wake up and anyone who tries wake me gets a fist full of fury to their fragile psyches. So, instead of sleeping, I have been shamelessly facebook stalking. You know, it's quite a great way to pass the time, especially when your avoiding packing. I leave for school in a week, and while I'm glad to go back, it's kind of bittersweet. I won't go into why, cause it makes me look like a stupid little girl, and I like to sometimes think of myself as an adult woman. So, instead of sleeping, or packing, I am babbling on my blog that, like, four people actually read, while The Weather Channel is on in the background (don't make fun! It's the only thing on at 4 in the morning and it soothes me). It's no wonder I'm a 20 year old life virgin. In order to make room for a guy I would have to get rid of my sacred rituals, like facebook stalking, needless blogging, Weather Channel watching, not packing, and stuffing my face with the last bites of Nutella left in the jar. I mean, who in their right mind would want to do that!
Anyway, my finger hurts, and I'm hungry, and I need to go ahead and read my scriptures so I can go to sleep and maybe not completely hate myself when a baby is vommiting on my pants and I can't keep my eyes open at work tomorrow... well, actually, later today.