Sunday, October 24, 2010

Adventures in Hollywood: Tool Academy Edition

I am about to start my second week as a second semester at AMDA LA. That's right, I made it through my first week without killing a. My self b. My teachers c. My friends d. Any homeless people. So I would say that makes it a success.
My homework load is already ridiculous, so I'm a tad bit terrified for the rest of the semester. I already have to memorize a crap load of stuff. Tomorrow I start dance classes, so that'll be interesting.
I believe that this year I will get really good at snooping. You see, my apartment is in quite the opportune spot for this sport. The very end of the building, next to the patio thing. I guess people don't realize that someone lives here, so they stand right next to our window and talk really loudly, normally about themselves. I already have named one the biggest tool of all time. I really want to find a way to scare the crap out of him one day. Maybe that's mean. I don't care.
So, here's to a good next week and actually getting enough sleep.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Chick Flicks and Other Myths

So, I've been in a bit of a mood lately. Things at home have been... less than ideal. Same goes for the rest of my life. Seeing as how I've been in this "mood", I've been watching a lot of chick flicks in hopes of getting a good cry. That cry hasn't been found yet, but what has been found is the complete unreality of these movies.
Now, I'm a complainer. I complain about my problems a lot. Especially regarding my romantic relationships, or lack thereof. So, most know my story, 20 years old and a total life virgin. That's right, never been kissed, never had a real boyfriend, never even held hands. So, that being said, these movies piss me off. Well, not just these movies, but ever television show too. For all the characters, unless their complete nerds or creeps, relationships come and go like the seasons. Everyone has a long list of ex's. So, I'm wondering, is this what the real world is like too? And if so, what's my deal? I mean, not to toot my own horn, but I think I'm a pretty nice catch. So what's with all the people around me, both in film and real life, and not all such... great catches, having relationships left and right. Getting to learn from their mistakes I guess. And then there's me, watching from the sidelines.
I use to get really sad about this, not so much anymore. I mean, I have a life and I've never had to make room for another person in my life, and I don't think I would know how to if one came along. But still, I wonder what this other life is like. What it's like to have someone who can't wait to see your face everyday. I'm starting to think that my new roommate was right when she said, "Maybe your just one of those people who will only have one person. And like, that person will be the one." I don't know if I want this or not. I mean, it is quite romantic. But, I don't know, maybe I want a little bit more excitement in my life. Excitement that I can control in some way. Or maybe I just want validation. Who knows, I sure don't.