Thursday, July 8, 2010

Summer, Summer, Summertime

Well, I've been home from school for a week and five days now and what have I done you ask? Well I've collected quite a lot of z's, made a couple handfuls of successful families on The Sims 3, caught up on all of my stories except for "Lost". I know, it's quite an impressive list. How did I do it all you ask? Well it took a lot of effort on my part. It's really hard to sleep so much and spend so very much time in bed, but I managed to do it. I give a good amount of credit to Pearland, Tx and it's minuscule amount of things for anyone above the age of 14 to do. It's been a long and hard journey, but I did it and I'm so proud of my self.
There is some news that might put a damper on my summer successes, I have a job interview tomorrow at the YMCA. I hope this doesn't make my summer too much more exciting!

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