Wednesday, August 4, 2010

A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes?

I had a really weird dream last night. I was back at AMDA and it was all redone, really nicely. All the guys from Allview moved into the apartment next door to me in Vine and they were running around with prop machine guns "shooting up" the school. Meanwhile, I was a group leader for orientation and all of the people were going crazy and I had to keep them calm, cause I was the only one who knew it was fake. Then I met two girls who were Mormon, and that was awesome. Thomas, Kayla, Myself, and KayKay were the only MB's left, and we were in Kevin Owers' class with a bunch of first semesters and I was the only one who didn't have a song to sing. Thomas kept stealing my chair from me so some hot girl could sit next to him. So every time I went to sit down, I fell on the floor. Then I went into my dorm room, and it was an attic space painted yellow. Just big enough for my bed and walking around. The walls were covered with pictures of Molly Ringwald and some guy that looked just like her and posters for a movie with John Cusack and Duckie( from Pretty in Pink) where the are professing their love for 80's redheads. Then the movie ends up being in my room and I'm just watching them from the corner. Then I woke up.

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