Sunday, September 13, 2009

A Very VMA-Side Story

WHAT WHAT? Say what? That's right, tonight was the MTV Video Music Awards and this year was actually quite entertaining. As I was Twittering (yes, I Twitter) about the VMA's, I decided i should write a blog of my critiques of sort.
First off, Lady Gaga, or as we refer to her in my circle, Lady G. What the freak was she wearing? Through out the show, it became a sort of game for me to spot her fabulously outrageous ensembles. First Mardi Gras-esque one eyed mask with a gold plated, black feather covered neck brace that looked as if she broke her neck, got in a fight with a glue stick and proceeded to attack a flock of crows, who then tried to peck her eye out. Next, her performance outfit (by the way, her performance was top notch Campiness) which was, by the end of the performance, looked like Marie Antoinette on a serial killing spree. After that came her glorious outfit especially for accepting the Best New Artist award, a red lace dress, apparenly turned backward with the hood up over her face and a matching King Triton crown (I believe she took a cue from OkGo). And last, but certainly not least, her lion mane of birds nests during Andy Samberg and Jimmy Fallon's skit. Lady G, kudos to your brilliant fashion insanity!
You know how I have had this love affair with Kanye West and my Kanye shoes? Well, the Kanye West part may potentially be over after his little scene stealing escapade during Taylor Swift's acceptance speech. Personally, I believe that MTV planned it before hand, much like the Eminem controversy during the MTV Movie Awards, to spoof his other similar escapade we he thought he should have gotten an award at some show last year (I'm really fuzzy on the specifics). Yes, Kanye, you have great style, your not to hard on the eyes, and you definately have talent, but Taylor Swift is pretty much the sweetest, most adorable celebrity ever. She looked like she was about to cry, and probably did once she got of stage. And leave it to Beyonce to be the female Barrack and let Taylor make up for that moment. So shame on you Kanye, and if this was not planned by MTV, we are sooooooo over!
I guess I have to mention the Michael Jackson tribute. I'm not a big fan or anything, I mean, I like his music and all, but I didn't cry when he died (I hope that didn't sound super insensitive). But, that tribute was pretty great. It made me teary eyed. The dancing was top notch and Janet's performance was great. I especially loved the ending with the picture of her and Michael together. And did any other Morms feel awkward when Madonna didn't end her speech "In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen"?
And last, of course, I must mention the pinnacle of my VMA experience. Jimmy Fallon and Andy Samberg. Together. On Stage. Funny together. In that moment, MTV almost restored my love for their station. Almost.
So MTV, kudos to you for putting on a great show, and kudos to Russel Brandt for a great job hosting and for offending less people than last year.

Lady Gaga at VMAs

Lady Gaga at VMAs

Big points to anyone else who saw Lady G's last birds nest outfit. And even bigger points if you can find a picture.

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