Friday, January 14, 2011

Creative Writing Poetry Assignment

So, I finally got my poetry assignment back in my creative writing class and I am eager to share them with you as I got a 95 on them. The first is in sonnet form, so that was an interesting learning experience, and the second and third are both free verse, so I had a much more enjoyable time working on them. I hope you enjoy them.


To love is more then I have known in life.

It likes to punch me in the face a lot.

By giving me a lot of pain and strife

And turning me into an, almost, sot.

But still, I’d like to know it very soon;

To feel it hold me tightly with it’s arms

And draw me close under the silv’ry moon

And keep me near forever with it’s charms.

If love would give me something beautiful,

With pink and yellow flowers like a song,

Whose greatness makes me sing and fills my soul.

Then life would never ‘gain do any wrong.

It’s cool ‘cause I don’t need to have it now.

But soon would make it easier, and how.

“A Man”

I’m full, like a balloon

Sweet and fragile

Ready to burst

So lovely and perfect

This feeling sublime


I’m enveloped completely

With thoughts of you

Slowly singing sweetly

Songs of seduction

Now wrap your strong arms around my waist


You are bewitching

I am held captive by your spell

A wizard of mythical status

Voldemort and Dumbledore can’t compete

Your wand contains my heart strings


Tissue and muscle

That’s all it is, in the physical sense

So why this emotion?

Why all this strain?

Love is so much more than a feeling.

My heart.

I’m afraid for the future.

Time’s terrible torture tests

God brought you back into my life

What a beautiful gift.

But how to use it?

A Do over.

We cannot control our lives

Despite how hard we may try.

There is a plan

It is controlled madness

All we can do is wait.


“A Boy”

How many tears will I cry ?

Salty drops of purity

My tears will never lie


For the day you appeared


For the years you were gone


For when, again you appeared

like a mirage in my desert


For the your personage being real


For your kindness, your heart, and your smile


For all the things I hope we will be


For all the things we may never be


For the nights spent lying awake

On the bathroom floor


For the times you opened my door


For not being able to see myself with anyone but you

How many tears will I cry?

The answer is unknown

But innumerable if I don’t try.

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