Sunday, January 9, 2011

Sunday Fun-day Life Lessons

God works in mysterious ways. On the way to church today, I was talking to a friend about a certain situation in my life and how I've been praying for confirmation one way or the other, but I seem to be stuck in limbo. I was also saying how, since I've been such a good girl for so long, I feel slightly entitled to have my prayers about this answered. Looking back, I know this was all a bit selfish and I see my lack of faith, but in the moment, it was, and has been the way I really feel. So, when we got to church, we went straight to Gospel Doctrine (which is like a Bible study class) and we were talking about Zaccarius's lack of faith when an angel told him his wife would become pregnant and him, subsequently, being stuck dumb until the birth. In contrast we were also talking about Mary's faith when the angel told her that she was going to give birth to Christ. The teacher ended up saying almost the exact phrase that I said in the car about feeling entitled to answers to prayer. I knew at this point in time that Heavenly Father was telling me that I need to have more faith. He always answers prayers, but he does it in his own time, in a way that he sees necessary. It was exactly what I needed to hear at this time in my life. I'm so glad that I have the gospel of Jesus Christ in my life and the opportunity to receive personal revelation. I now he loves me. As I said before, God works in mysterious ways.
May you all have a week full of love and happiness and may you all see the beautiful ways in which God works.

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