Tuesday, April 5, 2011

30 Day Photo Challenge: Day 19

Day 19: A Picture and a Letter

Dear Meredith,
Here you are, on your first day of school, about to depart on your life long journey. As you begin your life, I want you to know that life is beautiful. It is going to suck... a lot, but you are strong, and you will get through it. Know that you always have your family and your Heavenly Father to lean on. They will always be there for you no matter what.
Also, be confident in yourself. I know you're insecure about your hair and your freckles, but they are what make you unique. You are beautiful and should embrace it. While people might make fun of it for you now, someday it will be what attracts people to you. Little kids are stupid and don't know what real beauty is.
Most of all, never give up on your dreams. The Lord has blessed you with so many talents and you should share them. Don't be scared and don't let anyone tell you that you aren't good enough. You are amazing. You are talented. You are beautiful. Never let anyone tell you any different. Stand up for yourself. And love yourself and everyone around you.

Yourself age 20

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