Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Sun Has Come Out in Hollywood

It's been a weird day. It started off with me waking up before noon on Saturday, which is a very rare occurrence. I needed to go to Samuel French to get a play for one of my classes, so Jade accompanied me so I wouldn't get creeped on. Well, on the way there, I look to my left while at a light and I see someone wearing a leopard print coat. Of course that got my attention, because I'm slightly obsessed with leopard print. But then I noticed something peculiar, first off, it's like, 75 degrees out, so not fur coat weather, second, the person was wearing a dress over jeans, and third, it was a homeless man. Only in Hollywood would you see a homeless tranny. Then on the drive back, we saw Barney, as in "I love you, you love me", walking down the street with his head off. Needless, to say, it ruined Jade's whole concept of life and the world. And then, I found Sudafed in my car, which was a total win, since I've been sick with no medicine since Tuesday.
Then tonight, I had my first legitimate, with an audience, performance at AMDA. It was absolutely awesome. Broadway great, Danny Gurwin (Laurie in the OBC of Little Women) was our director. So that in it's self was great, but he also complemented Jade and I on our performance and said that we were really funny! I can honestly say that is one of the best compliments I have gotten in my entire life. I mean Danny Freaking Gurwin liked my performance! AND my voice lasted through both performances!

AND it's finally sunny in California! Imagine that?

So, now that I have a renewed confidence in my performance capabilities (which is a good thing since I plan on making a living this way), life seems a little brighter. So here's to a bright future and hopefully many great performances and compliments to come!

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